
A TEAM REVIEW OF Port Royale 4 (PC)

It’s common for youngsters to want to do the same activities over and over again. This is like the old adage, “Do you want to be a ninja or a pirate?” Obviously, a ninja pirate is an answer.

However, this is something that we carry with us into adulthood, and as gamers, we can be either or both at any given time. This is the point at which our day’s title is derived. The game is Port Royale 4, and we’ll be talking about the brand-new Buccaneers DLC as well as the game itself. As a result of this, you’ll either be a merchant or a pirate (or both) in this situation, but that’s fine.

Due to my lack of size and complexity, I opted not to take on this game alone because it was simply too vast and difficult for me to handle. Because this is a strategy game, I can think of only one person of the TVGB crew I’d want along for the ride, and that’s my good buddy and co-writer Albert Eres. So, now that we’ve cleared it out, how should we proceed? So, what do you think?

Southgate, Alex

This game, my goodness, is in need need of tutorials. Everything about Port Royal 4 is fantastic, and by that I mean everything. When it comes to long-term entertainment value, this is the one. The tutorials won’t tell you everything but they’re comprehensive enough to get you started. Because Port Royale 4 is a game that’s easy to pick up and play, you won’t have to spend much time learning its mechanics. As you go through the game’s more difficult stages, some players adapt more rapidly than others.

It’s true that Port Royale 4 is a strategy game in the broadest sense, but it’s also so much more. This is one part building sim, one part trading sim, one part tactical adventure. On the most basic level, you’re collecting produce from one town and selling it off to another for a profit.

This is an unfairly one-dimensional way to look at the game, though. It’s true that buying and selling is a vital element of gaining money, but fame is just as crucial. More than just a few individuals saying wonderful things about you, this is a valuable commodity in and of itself.

In Port Royale 4, you’ll need a variety of villages generating a wide range of goods. To make money, it’s imperative that you don’t have all of them churning out the identical products. So now we get to the part about constructing a city. To entice workers, you’ll need residential areas. Afterwards, you’ll have to track down employment for those workers.

When it comes to making your own beer, for instance, you may try making your own distillation process. Wheat must be grown by your Viceroy, and a distillery and labourers must be built in order for this process to be carried out. You can then buy the product you now have a lot of at a low price and then sell it to a town that doesn’t have any of the above for a profit.

In addition, there is a significant amount of management of people involved. Because most people don’t enjoy living near noxious and polluting companies, you must be careful where you build. Their satisfaction rating will go down if they’re not happy. In addition to the fact that no one will want to move to your town, this has an impact on productivity.

Permissions from your Viceroy are required if you wish to develop anything useful. As long as you keep these people satisfied, they’ll be delighted to promote you and grant you privileges like permits if you keep them happy. Recruiting captains for your convoys, establishing industry, and going to war all require these. In order to begin sinking enemy ships, you’ll need the support of your country’s government. According to other sources, it’s a matter of politics.

This is where Port Royale 4’s adventure begins. You’ll need ships in your convoy that are capable of taking on pirates, as you’ll be a large floating target. Pirates, on the other hand, are excellent marksmen and killers. Because of their destructive nature, any Viceroy will reward you for taking them out of circulation. There’s also the possibility of discovering treasure maps and the like, which lead to, you guessed it, treasure.

Port Royale 4 has a distinctly sandbox feel to it, letting you go out and do anything you want. Despite this, there is still work to be done in the campaign. Some of these have been predetermined by your Viceroy, as I said previously. However, towns will have their own set of tasks for you to do. More character-based tasks, such as searching for a little girl’s father who has been lost at sea, are also included in these missions. Despite the fact that you’re not obligated to accept every task, there is still enough structure in the game to keep things interesting.

It’s often considered bad form to be a pirate. It’s a possibility, but it comes with its own set of disadvantages. If you don’t want to play fairly, that’s fine. To help with this, the Buccaneers DLC has been released. Allows the player to be the pirate they genuinely want to be, which is a nice addition. It’s good when DLC doesn’t feel like an afterthought attached to a game with a glowing “I’m DLC!” sign attached to it. In Port Royale 4, this is very much the case; it’s a wonderful addition, but it never feels obtrusive.


Things never get boring in Port Royale 4 since there is so much to do. Having said that, the sheer volume of action necessitates that you be a person who enjoys spinning plates. My past discussion regarding tutorials is relevant here. All of them are highly recommended. If you complete all of the tutorials, you will receive a sparkling ship as a reward, but the lessons themselves aren’t extremely extensive.

This is a game that may be played over and over again. There are four campaigns available in Port Royale: Spain, France, England, and The Netherlands; each unlocks as you go through the game. To assume control of a campaign in any one of these countries, you must complete the campaign of a different nation first. This is fantastic since it encourages repeat visits. You can also play for free, but I recommend waiting until you’ve gained some experience before doing so.

Port Royale 4 has a lot going for it when it comes to the nuts and bolts. First and foremost, the visuals are magnificent. I was a little worried that the stunning images might be too much for my ancient computer. As if the game needed any more good news, here it is.

Everything worked like a charm, and those of you with PCs that are more recent than mine may see even more improvements. Thumbs up for the audio because it’s appropriate. When it comes to setting the scene, the tale is only there as much as necessary, which isn’t a negative thing. All in all, it’s a very well-executed piece of work. The controls are next.

It’s easy for a game like Port Royale 4 to get bogged down in its own minutiae. I was prepared for a slew of clumsy windows and choices, since there is always a lot going on. My expectation was that I’d be learning and remembering several controls. The opposite is true. It’s true that a slew of windows must be opened to accomplish various tasks, but the interface is so well-designed with intuitive tabs that this never grew tedious.

After that, you can use a mouse-and-keyboard combo or just point and click. Everything is simple and easy to understand. However, even though the conflicts themselves could need extensive command knowledge, they are all tactical and quick to pick up. The bottom line is that I’m blown away.

For fans of strategy games, there’s no better option than Port Royale 4. In the past, I’ve talked about strategy being a very personal matter. My nitpicking aside, this is where the game loses two points. Some people may not enjoy this game. Port Royale 4 is a no-brainer if you enjoy marathon gameplay sessions set in your favourite universe.

If you’re a fan of games with a lot to do, the same holds true. For those who want a more casual and unstructured gaming experience, though, there may be less here for you to enjoy. Obviously, this is a highly personal matter, but it’s worth mentioning nonetheless. When it comes to gaming, I’m a bit of a chameleon, and I’m loving it! I know I’ll be playing this for a long time.

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