
The 5 Best Tips for Email Hygiene

I agree with you! Keeping your email in good shape is very important. It is always better to have a short but clean list of email IDs than a long one with lots of irrelevant emails.

Further, maintaining proper email hygiene enhances the reputation of the sender and increases the deliverability rate of the message. Digital marketing has come a long way since the beginning of time, and email marketing is still seen as one of the most effective & affordable techniques.

Businesses whose customers are contacted through emails should maintain a hygienic list of email addresses. Your email hygiene habits should be in line with the old adage, “We are what we repeatedly do.”. You will achieve better results if you maintain email hygiene.

1. Consistency horizontally and vertically

It is called a database because it contains all the contact information and other related information. Most databases are prepared in Microsoft Excel. Ensure that the database is well organized and updated. Data consistency should be checked on both a horizontal and vertical level.

Your spreadsheet contains three columns: name, company, and email address. During your review of the list, if the email ID provided for one name does not match the email ID for the other name, or if the domain name is that of another company, you should verify this information. In order to increase conversions and audience engagement, a well-maintained and hygienic database is essential.

It can be tedious and overwhelming at times to process bulk mail. This is where an email API can help. It will give you access to the features & functions of the email platform and provide you with a way to establish a relationship with your customers.

2. KPIs should be checked

  • Delivered emails: Amount of delivered emails in relation to the total number of emails sent.
    This is a measure of how many unique clicks correspond to how many opens.
  • Bounce Rate: This indicates how many people did not receive the email from a mailing list. When emails bounce (because of invalid email addresses), these bounces are called hard bounces and when they bounce temporarily (because of issues on the receiver’s end), these bounces are called soft bounces.
  • Unsubscribe Rate: The number of subscribers who unsubscribe from your content as a percentage. It indicates the number of people who do not engage with your content or do not find it to be relevant.
  • Complaints: If an audience lodges a spam complaint, they are clearly no longer interested in what you are posting and need to be removed.
  • Social shares: This is not a mandatory KPI, but if your content is suitable for sharing on social networks, you should provide a share button.
  • The conversion rate is the most important KPI. When the conversion rate is compared with your goal, you can determine the success rate.

3. Non-responsive contacts

Customer relationship building is accomplished through email marketing. The KPIs mentioned above will help us understand the customers’ reactions to the campaigns. The number of emails opened and the contacts who did not open them are the two main indicators of unresponsive contacts.

A thorough analysis of specific audiences’ interaction patterns over the course of 60-90 days can be made. The audience that does not open emails should be removed from the database. It is possible to send them an auto-subscription email after a delay of 30-60 days. The next time they open it, you’ll still be in their list.

4. Database audits should be conducted frequently

Databases should not be updated at an exact interval. Senders choose how frequently they will audit the database and how frequently they will audit it. Every campaign should be audited. That way you keep your database up-to-date. If you are running a limited number of campaigns, you can update your list quarterly or half-yearly.


Following these practices will ensure that your marketing campaign will succeed and achieve the desired results. Your email hygiene will surely improve.

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