
What Does Detoxing Actually Mean?

Although the term “detoxification” is often used today, it’s not clear what it actually means. Many people talk about “detoxing their liver or colon,” but what exactly are they doing? What is “detoxing” really all about?

You are in constant detoxification, which involves many organs and systems throughout your body. Your body’s detoxification process is a continuous effort by the liver, kidneys and lungs.

Your body is capable of eliminating toxins when you are healthy. It sometimes fails to keep up with modern life. Overworked, anxious, and overwhelmed by poisons in our food and products can make it difficult for us to stay awake at night. These factors, when combined, can slow down or stop our natural detox process and cause harmful toxins to build up in our bodies.

What is detoxification?

When we look at human physiology we can see that detoxification is a constant process. This is evident in our breathing cycle. We nourish our bodies by inhaling oxygen, and detoxify when we exhale.

The cell membrane is involved in a process that is similar to the cycle of detoxification and breathing. The cell “inhales”, or absorbs nutrients. Next, it “exhales”, or detoxifies unwanted compounds through membrane transport into the extracellular matrix. The cell is constantly in a state of nourishment or detoxification.

The detoxification process will run smoothly if the detoxification process works normally and the elimination process can clear any waste that is being released from the organs. Sometimes, however, detoxification can become slowed down or unbalanced. You can restart your detox to prevent illness and disease from arising from toxins built up.

The Detoxification Cycle: Stages

The first step in the detox process is to determine what you want.

People engage in “detoxification” on a regular schedule and are focused on their physical detoxification. Some people seek to get rid of negative emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety. Others are more focused on overcoming mental traumas and fixations. Your detox protocol will differ depending on your goals, but there is a specific cycle.

Venous blood flows from the liver through the right ventricle and onto the lungs. The first stage of the detox cycle is when the discharged material reaches the lungs. This is the first stage of the detox cycle. It can lead to congestion, coughing, and an increase in mucus production.

The second stage of the detox cycle is the heart. This stage can cause symptoms related to the heart such as palpitations. These symptoms can also be mentally or emotionally expressed.

If blood and other detoxified materials continue to travel, it can cause damage to the digestive system, joints, and the third and fourth stages of the detox cycle. They will then make their way to stage four, the final stage, which is the kidneys.

Although the kidneys can eliminate the toxins, if they are not able to, the toxins may circulate back to the liver. These stages can move at different speeds depending on the individual.

Supporting A Healthy Detox

Your goals will determine the detoxification program that you choose, but you can still use many of these therapies and activities to achieve success.

Remember that detoxification is about supporting the organs of elimination such as the liver, kidneys, lymph, skin and lungs. We want to help with the release of deep emotions, stress, mental patterns, and other negative thoughts.

These therapies and practices can relieve stress and help you feel more whole.

  • Lymphatic Massage
  • Acupuncture
  • Sauna
  • Meditation
  • Breathing exercises
  • Journaling

These therapies can be used as part of a holistic detoxification program to avoid side effects and get more complete results.

Detoxing for long-term health

The body’s ongoing detoxification process is the key feature. It occurs at all levels of the body simultaneously, even at the cellular level throughout our lives.

The first thing we do when we are born is to “exhale” the fluids from our lungs. This is called detoxification. When we die, exhaling is the final thing we do. Dying is the last stage of “letting go”, which shows us that detoxification can be fundamental to our existence.

It is no surprise that stuck or interrupted detoxification can lead to illness. This is why it is so important to support them at all stages of your life. You can tune in to your body and notice when it is out of balance. Then, use targeted detoxification protocols that will get your body back on track.

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