
Why Do You Need A New Phone?

Are you contemplating the possibility to purchase a new phone in the near future? It certainly sounds tempting but have you thought about what you really require from an upgrade to your smartphone? If not, it’s time to act now.

It is important to keep our hopes separate from our requirements. There was a time when there were some excellent phones out on the market, but they didn’t offer the same features that modern phones have. Therefore, they weren’t accompanied by a massive cost. In addition, they came with decent monthly plans. So, you can quickly switch from an older plan to a newer one after your contract comes to expiration.

It’s a different story now. There are expensive phones on the market today. Take the iPhone 7 or Samsung Galaxy S8 as an example. If you’re looking for an unlocked device then you’ll need to pay several hundred dollars. The carriers also offer these however, you’ll need to join a specific plan. The most common plans are 12-24 or even 30. Obviously, not all smartphones are as expensive. There are some truly affordable phones however before you invest your money in them, you should inquire.

Does my phone function properly?

This is the first thing you need to be asking yourself. Are you having issues frequently? Or, is your device working well? If you do encounter certain glitches from time to time take note that you are likely to resolve them yourself.

As I’ve stated it’s crucial to distinguish our wants and requirements. A smartphone is essential certainly but if the model you’re using now is reliable then why would you spend the money on an entirely new model? This is crucial when you’re on funds. Before you head to the mall or your carrier to purchase one of the most recent tech items, think about these points.

Do I really need additional features?

The endless ads that showcase new styles and new features make you want to purchase the device. We’ve all experienced that feeling. Fingerprint sensors as well as an iris scanner additional camera options and more. All of it sounds amazing. However, it’s time to think about whether you really need them?

New features, particularly the latest ones that are priced higher. I can remember the day when the fingerprint sensor was one of the main reasons I needed a new phone. Therefore, when my old phone broke down I decided to get one that had it. It’s a shame that I’m not using the device anymore. The idea sounds awesome and awesome however, after a time you’ll likely be bored, particularly in the case of not being an enthusiast for technology. If your smartphone has items you require and are using, then you probably don’t need to buy an entirely new phone. It’s not necessary, at least not right now.

How long will I be able to use the new device?

If you’re thinking of buying the phone for several hundred dollars then you need to think about how long you’re going to be using the phone. Do you remember the great old days that came with Nokia 3310 and similar phones? You purchase it and then use it for a long time. They were strong and stylish.

It’s a different world. Nowadays, you can spend $700 or more on the latest iPhone and Samsung S8, and in the coming year, you’ll be looking for an upgrade. Naturally, the latest model will feature greater features, more colour options, it’ll have many more options.

Even if you’re intending to purchase an expensive gadget, but rather one of the less expensive phones, do a comparison with your smartphone. Are you sure it is the best? Do you plan to make use of it for more than two years? If not, you can keep the money in your pocket for an extra few months.

Does a brand new model actually better than the model it replaced?

The next question is. It may seem like it’s an issue, but the truth is that the differences are generally not too significant. Even the design of phones isn’t changed too significantly. We are using the iPhone to give a good illustration.

Everyone was expecting iPhone 7 to be completely different from the previous iPhone models. When it first became accessible, iPhone fans were left somewhat dissatisfied. It’s basically the same design and has some additional options. Should you upgrade? It’s probably not, especially in the case of the iPhone 6 or 6s. One thing to remember is the fact that, as long as you put off longer, the lower the cost. Being patient sounds good?

Do I have to save up to buy something other than that?

It is important to budget when shopping. Even if you’re spending a lot consider whether you should put aside cash for something you actually require? Do you want to put aside money for a different model?

Prioritize your needs first. Even if you’re not doing any priority buying right now, maybe you could save up to buy a high-end model, or something truly amazing. Make sure you remember one important thing. The phones keep coming out. Every year, we get an iPhone or a high-end Samsung smartphone, LG, Huawei, HTC etc. Perhaps it is better to save money. If the time comes, you might purchase the best smartphone. Who knows?


If buying a new smartphone is not really a requirement but an urge, remember that it’s just an impulse. Everyone has it. These days, as new phones come out looking shiny and beautiful it is easy to purchase phones that are beautiful and shiny. If you are tempted to buy something before the impulse is a factor consider these questions. If you can answer them your impulse will likely go away. You’ll be satisfied that you’re not spending money, and you’ll realize that the phone that you have currently isn’t worth replacing.

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